Monday 11 October 2010

The Big Weigh In: WEEK 1

I'm going to make this short and sweet. Sweet being the 'evil' word that got us in to this mess to start with!

We got weighed last night...

I have lost 1lb (not much but it's a start) and Chris has gained 1lb (naughty boy).

Not a great start. I know where I went wrong...

...yes it's my love for chocolate. We have been eating healthier - cooking from scratch - but I just can't get rid of that little voice inside my head that says "You've finished your dinner Leanne, reward yourself, go eat something sweet."

Yes I know this is ridiculous, I'm 28 for God's sake, I should be able to have some kind of control! But the thing is.. at this moment in time... I just don't! And it's National Chocolate week now - which is not a great help!

This weeks plan is to reduce our portions (I haven't told Chris yet) maybe he won't notice the tiny plates?!

I'll let you know how we got on!

Stay tuned for a tasty low calorie spicy vegetable soup recipe!


  1. mmmmm Bourneville orange! Yum. Sorry, thats not helpful is it?!
    Have you tired eating GI? The portion sizes are generous but are really filling! I have a delicious recipe for Breakfast Muffins...

  2. 1lb is not bad. It's in the right direction.

    I find it easier just not to have the stuff that really tempts me in the house. For me, it's savoury stuff like crisps but we don't have many biscuits either.

    Don't be too hard on yourself. It takes a while to develop new habits to replace the old ones.
